I am different. Not less.

Dr. Temple Grandin

Gestalt Learners Academy is a private school that provides alternative learning support for academic goals. Academic subjects are taught in multiple sensory rich, calm surroundings tailored to student needs.

Often traditional classroom models can be very passive in nature, where information is presented to a group of students and they must absorb this information uniformly. Additionally, due to the nature of group learning, children with learning divergences may effectively zone out and not absorb what is taught.

Gestalt Learners Academy strives to provide a more customized approach for children that holds their attention and imagination to gain more effective academic results. We also strive to minimize emotional hardships and anxiety that can arise in a more conventional classroom setting.


Program Foundations

Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
— Francis of Assisi

Gestalt Learners Academy provides an individualized education based on the special needs of the student. The core of the program is administrated and taught by the school director in conjunction with experts in Behavioral Therapy, Special Education, Speech Language Pathology and Occupational Therapy.

Educational Program Partners

Gestalt Learners Academy offers a curated program in conjunction with highly accredited experts in the field of sensory processing and developmental disabilities. We would like to recognize our third party partners who provide expertise and guidance on key aspects of our program including:

Special Education and Customized Curriculum

Anne Petrosino, Master of Arts in Education Intellectual Disability/Autism

Sarah Cacciato, B.Ed., Special Education
K-2 Special Education Teacher in Profound Autism Program

Dominque Cadet
Leaps and Boundz
Master of Arts, Special Education, Behavioral Specialist

ABA Therapy, Social Skills and Behavioral Support

Dr. Kristen Cummings-Prater, PsyD, BCBA
Executive Director, Leaps n Boundz
Student Evaluation and Special Education Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Megan Velasco, OTD, OTR/L
Clinical Director, Bloom Pediatrics

Speech Therapy

Melissa Peters, M.S., CCC-SLP
Speech Language Pathologist
Speak Live Play

Social and Classroom Skills; Academic Support

WPNS, play-based cooperative learning center
Joyce Woodruff, Director

Strategies for Teaching Children with Special Needs

  • Child directed learning. Special interests should be used as basis for teaching skills and academics. Customize content to not only meet the needs of your student but take advantage of natural interests. For instance if you have a child who loves animals math can be taught with counting bears for addition and subtraction.

  • Be aware and ready to adapt your sensory environment. Sensory tools including sensory breaks, change of environment, movement exercises and proprioceptive input are key. The traditional model of desk sitting then recess and lunch etc may be to prolonged for children with limited attention and underlying neurological sensory needs.

  • Social skills development plays a key role in teaching children with autism. Ensure your academic program prioritizes interactions with neurotypical children.

  • Develop enjoyable but firm academic routines. Predictability gives a sense of calm and control. When it is time to change subjects or venues prime all transitions.

  • Utilize Visual Cues and Visual Supports. Receptive language processing skills are key obstacles to absorbing new content and teaching new skills. Lesson plan must use visuals.

More information see: The 5 Best Teaching Strategies for Autism

Academic Curriculum

It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them.
— Leo Buscaglia

Student programs are based on recommendation of their developmental pediatrician and independent assessments of licensed professionals.